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air play (電臺)播放唱片。

air pocket

For instance : the product of artificial intelligence , as the person that the production of artificial intelligence makes , he can fly , can dun land , can in too air play , help mankind to explore the universal universe besides the earth , help mankind to know more useful information ; can still promote communication and the connection between mankind and animal , can help to know future matter 例如:人工智能產品,如人工智能制造出的“人” ,他可以飛翔,可以遁地,可以在太空中游玩,幫助人類探索地球以外的宇宙天地,幫助人類了解更多有用的信息;還可以促進人類與動物之間的聯系與溝通,可以幫助知道未來的事。

The boys have decided to settle their differences with a fight , but i shall be there to see air play 孩子們決定靠打架來解決他們之間的不和,而我將在那里當裁判,以示公正。